

"I Remember My First Earthquake"

Ok, now it's my turn to tell MY earthquake story...
I was napping and I woke up because my bed/room/house was shaking. 

That's all, really.


crazy cat lady post, *UPDATE!*

Spoke with my neighbor, and she was thrilled I found her MARIO!  (thought kitty was a 'she'), although Mario now likes the taste of canned food... dun dun dunnnn.
I did a good deed for the day. FEELING GOOD!

crazy cat lady post.

In the wee hours of the morning (3:30), I was startled by a horribly sad, desperate sounding meow/whine coming from either A) under my bed. B) outside my window. or C) just in my imagination. I was really hoping it was B, because if it were A or C, there were going to be some serious issues that I don't want to be dealing with at 3:30am. 

My cat has... how shall I put this... butt problems. He's on a strict wet food diet with added fiber. Yes, I sprinkle powdered fiber over his food at every meal. I love this cat with every fiber (pun INtended) of my being. He's honestly the most handsome, well behaved, laid back, loving cat in the universe. 

 Look at Xander, just chillin in the window srsly not giving a shit. xoxo


He's had a rough-ish past. Xander came from an animal shelter in Lancaster when he was a kitten (he's Amish). He lived with some dog(s?) who liked to eat his food leaving pretty much nothing for Xander. He lived with some cats and dogs and a Vet who cared for pets long term. Then he came back to his family! He's a happy cat again! xo


When I woke up abruptly, all I could think of was 'ZOMG Xander is having a butt issue again, and he's hiding under my bed'. I checked his usual sleeping spot, and there he was sleeping soundly. I was relieved it wasn't him. I kept hearing the cries and got really scared, what if there was a cat outside that was hurt? I woke up my mother, and she hadn't heard a thing. My brother comes out of his room asking if Xander was alright. He had heard it too. 

We looked out the window, and our neighbors cat was locked out, crying and trying to get back in. I know she is an inside cat but I didn't know what to do.  I just put a can of food by the front door of her house, and rang the bell... at a quarter to 4 in the morning.....

Finally, neighbor came to door, cat went inside, and I went back to bed.  I went back to bed knowing that I saved a cat <3 (Maybe not 'saved' but who knows? We live on a busy street.)

This post may confirm that some day I will possibly become a crazy cat lady.


Farm Fresh.

Went to the local farmers market today. Picked up some beautiful veggies + fruits. Let me just say WOW. The selection was unbelievable! Got some corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, white nectarines... so delish. Also took home an amazing loaf of bread, some FRESH hickory smoked bacon... I swear, that pig was alive in the AM, and in my belly come PM. I also got to sample the Autumn yet to come- apple cider donut + washed it down with a cup of apple cider. I COULD LIVE @ THE FARMERS MARKET! Had some BLT's for dinner, everything came from the market... plus it was all under 20$, so that's whats up. 
I hope everyone gets a chance to get out there before they close for the season (before Thanksgiving). 

Shop local, folks :)


back to my roots!

Well, someone told me yesterday
That when you throw your love away
You act as if you just don't care
You look as if you're going somewhere
But I just can't convince myself
I couldn't live with no one else
And I can only play that part
And sit and nurse my broken heart


coldplay xo

That green eyes, you’re the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who tried to deny you must be out of their mind

Cause I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, since I met you
Honey you should know that I could never go on without you

<3 <3


Erryday I'm Shufflein'

Sometimes when I listen to my ipod on shuffle, I swear there's a higher power speaking to me through lyrics and song. Not all the time, but definitely when I'm feeling blue, it comes through to me. Whoever it is, be it an Angel or whatnot, I'm glad. Thank you.


